Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It hurts me to have to admit to making an inedible pie, but it actually happened. Every month we have different hostesses for our ladies meeting. Well it was my time to be one. My job was to bring the table decorations and the dessert. I decided to make lemon pies. I knew it was time consuming but I wanted to do it. I think probably a little pride thing got in there too. I realized I needed to make the pie crusts on Sunday night so I could make pies early Monday morning. They need to sit for several hours before they are really ready to eat. I got home from church Sunday night and went right to the kitchen to make the crusts before my tired was all over me. As I rolled the crusts out I noticed how soft and pliable they were. I knew it was different but I told myself that I just got everything perfect this time - ha! That joke was on me for sure. I got up Monday morning and made the pies and they looked so beautiful and delicious . I proudly took my 3 pies to the meeting that night and looked forward to each lady eating my pies and I already heard the compliments in my head about how wonderful a pie I could make - again! Ha! The jokes on me! As we were preparing to serve I asked my daughter Lori to please cut the pies as I was doing other things. She got the knife and I looked over and saw her putting her whole body weight into pressing down on that knife. She finally said “Mom - what is wrong with the pie?” What! My perfect pie - wasn’t perfect - how could that be? Well immediately I remembered that I had doubled the recipe and I forgot to double the Crisco. Well if you ever wondered what Crisco does to your pie crust. I can tell you with great confidence that it gives the crust its tender flaky texture. I was so embarrassed. I encouraged the ladies to just eat the filling - which I must say did taste pretty well. I knew the Lord was bringing me up short for my prideful attitude. I also knew that there had to be an article out of this. Oh yes I took the pie home and got so tickled as Arliss took a piece and had his fork and was pushing with all his might to cut off a piece and all the while saying “I think the pie is fine I don’t see anything wrong” as he is groaning in his efforts to actually cut the crust. I had to laugh. That sweet husband actually ate the crust and tried to smile and encourage me that it wasn’t “THAT” bad.
Well now here is the spiritual application. I was thinking about how so many people today try to live a good life. They don’t beat their wives or cheat on their husbands. They take care of their family and give to charity. They are living a good clean life. They are thinking that their good life will prepare them for acceptance in heaven for eternity. I have had people say to me that surely God will see how good a person I am and understand and let me into heaven. Well if that were the criteria for heaven they would be right. God loves us so much and wants us to be in heaven with him but if we forget the one thing that actually gets us to heaven then it is all lost. Matthew 7:22-23 says Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity.
If we don’t know Christ then we can never be in heaven with Him. We live a good life because we know Christ - not because we are trying to work our way into heaven.
It is so sad that so many good intended people forget the one ingredient that will secure their eternity - salvation - trusting Christ as their personal Savior. Remember John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Now I may forget a vital ingredient in something else out there in the future as I seem to make mistakes over and over but one thing I know - I have the ingredient that will secure my place with the Lord in eternity - I have Jesus as my personal Savior - what about you? Have you secured your place in eternity - you must have that one vital ingredient or all is lost.

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