Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have struggled where to begin with this article. I guess I will tell you how the Lord gave me the idea and then go from there.
Saturday morning I was up bright and early as I had to be at church by 8:30 to leave for a Golden Ager trip to Enid. As I walked to the kitchen, I started picking up this and that and suddenly my time went from being relaxed - to rushed. I only had 5 minutes to sit down and read my Bible. I opened my Bible - read for 5 minutes and then hit the shower.
As I was showering this idea of an article about de-cluttering kept coming to my mind. I was not really interested in that moment in thinking about an article so I was arguing with the Lord that this was not a good time as I had to rush and couldn’t write anything down. Well the Lord said to me -(not audible of course) tell me what you read in your Bible reading today. I said - uh - oh - uh - give me a minute I will think of it. Lets see? - well finally I gave up and admitted to the Lord that I had no idea what I had just read, and his response was - WELL I GUESS YOU DIDN’T DECLUTTER YOUR MIND DID YOU?
I hate that- when the Lord catches me red handed in my sin - rats!
Now here is the thought. Every day for years I have spent the first few minutes picking up from the night before. We always leave cups or glasses or articles of clothing laying around the house. I had never called it de-cluttering until I became acquainted with “The Flylady” who gives tips on keeping your house clean. Anyway it is so satisfying on one hand and so frustrating on the other. No matter how much you do - it has to be done again tomorrow or the clutter will take over your house in a little while.
Now thanks to the Lord’s “not so gentle” reminder- I realize that is what I need to do each day to my mind.
How many times have you sat down to have your devotions and then got up and have no idea what in the world you just did. Our minds are constantly thinking about a million things - for instance - oh yes I need to call the doctor or my Mom or a friend - I need to change that laundry etc. I could go on and on.
Now we know the problem - so what is the solution.
Here are some things that are helping me - I do have to remind you however that if you don’t apply them - then they of course won’t work - which is what happened to me on Saturday.
The first thing is to sit down with your Bible in your lap and close your eyes and just try to relax. Take a deep breath and ask the Lord to bless your time. Then you start in. Now if your mind is still jumping all over the place and you can’t focus then you need step two
Step two - get out a paper and pencil. Read a verse and then make yourself find something in that verse that you want to remember and write it down. If you start writing and it is the grocery list or the “to do” list for the day - then you need step 3.
Step 3
Stop reading - get down on your knees and start praising God - you can praise him as the Creator, you can praise Jesus as the lamb of God who died for your sins. Praise the Holy Spirit for His conviction of sin in your life that he gives to all of us. Then start thanking God - for your salvation, your family, your home. You can go on as long as you have time. There is never an end. Remember you are not asking God for anything - if you start doing that then your mind goes back to your struggles and you have lost the de-cluttering effect. Now remember I am not trying to discourage you from asking God to meet our needs as we all want to do that. He wants us to take our needs to him- BUT NOT IN THIS MOMENT - save it for another prayer time.
When you get off your knees. I guarantee that you will be so full of awareness of God that the truths of scripture will just jump off the page.
The truth is we should take step 3 every day as our step one - but I live in the practical world of being a sinner saved by grace and I know I won’t take that time every day.
Now your assignment is to practice de-cluttering your mind. It is just like de-cluttering your house. It has to be done over and over and over again or the clutter will buildup and take over.
Step 1- Sit quietly with your Bible a moment. Ask God to bless your time in His word.
Step 2- Get a piece of paper and find something in a verse that you want to remember and write it down - that helps you to focus.
Step 3- Get on your knees and spend some time praising and thanking God - REMEMBER NO REQUESTS - then resume your Bible reading.
This works for me and I know it will work for you. Get going de-cluttering your mind - and it wouldn’t hurt to de-clutter your house too.

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